Selasa, 17 November 2009

it is just fine

Anda pernah ditolak ?Saya jelas pernah..
Karena saya laki-laki,
Kalau "menolak" itu kerjanya perempuan..

Well, i have something to be spilled out of my mind about this "being rejected issue".
I several times saw couples of my friend being really down after being rejected by some particular girls. Then i started questioning, why are he so down after that brave moment. He replied "I felt somehow, embarrassed.." Then i continued "Why you felt embarrassed ?". He carry on "I don't know, i just felt somehow want to disappear for the time being. I really like this girl, but she refuse me.."

Okay. I try to understand his circumstances, as well. I know that it is not easy to face that. But, i have my own thoughts about this particular issue.

According to me, there is nothing wrong with being, let say, rejected. Since there's nothing wrong to confessing your feeling toward someone, and there's also nothing wrong with not having the same feeling towards someone.
The message is, for you boys, it is totally fine to confess that you like or love a girl. On the other hand, for you girls, it is also totally fine to say to him that you are not feeling the same way.
Do i have make it clear ?

Moreover, i also imagine that, asking a girl to be your girlfriend or asking her to have a relationship with you is like asking somebody to go picnic with you. First, you have to tell her where you'll go. Then try explain to her, what's the feature of that place. If it is a park, then why make this park special. And if it is beach, then explain to her why you should go to that beach. What's this picnic is all about. etc. But at the end, she got her full right to choose. Whether she want to go with you or not. Am i right ? Maybe she got somewhere else to go or something else to do.

So, the point is, you already have a courage and full efforts to ask her to go with you. In spite the fact she decided to not going, then it is just fine. Totally fine, right ? You have do your best efforts trying to convey your purposes, you already gather totally enough courage to confess it, and most importantly, you've been honest to yourself. In fact she's got her own choice, her own preference, her own decision, you can't push it. You sell it your dream, and she doesn't want to buy it, then it is just okay. You still can sell it to another person who maybe more interested and sharing the same dream with you.

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